Vista Care Domiciliary and Supported Living Services work alongside social landlords and can help individuals find properties and secure a tenancy to suit each person’s individual needs.

Why Vista Care

Accepting the time has come to hand over the care of a vulnerable individual to someone else is a difficult thing for anyone, regardless of age or background. At Vista Care we pride ourselves in combining family ethics with top social support skills and knowledge, bringing relief and assurance to relatives, carers and friends whilst ensuring absolutely every need of the service users is met to the highest possible standard.

Vista Care Services

We will support individuals aged 18-65+ with mental health conditions and complex needs.

We take an individually tailored, person centred approach to all of the people we support and create a care package based around their own specific wants and needs.

We utilise local facilities in order to integrate individuals into the community where they will be able to develop their independence and fulfil their potential.

All our personnel are highly trained in a large variety of social and health care subjects and a widely experienced management team ensure every staff member’s personal skill set is acknowledged, encouraged and used to the service users’ benefit. The strong core staff team alone have a combined career history of over 80 years industry employment.

Our Focus

The company’s main focus is providing personal care to individuals aged 18-65+ with mental health conditions as described below.

An illness developed after birth, usually in young adulthood or adolescence that impairs the individual’s thinking and emotional balance. The most common conditions are schizophrenia, schizo-afftective disorder, personality disorder, bipolar and depression. Those with a diagnosis of mental illness may suffer from psychosis, hallucinations and delusions (Loss of reality and seeing or hearing things that aren’t there) but this is normally only in very severe cases. Mental illness fluctuates and can be controlled extremely successfully by therapy and medication but individuals may experience relapses at any time. Again, severity directly affects a person’s acceptability of their diagnosis but individuals are often observed to have insight into their illness during bouts of good health but may display denial or poor understanding during or leading up to relapse.